Thursday, March 12, 2009

#56 Zinn chapter on Vietnam Questions

Here are the questions that I would like you to answer after reading A People's History of the United History by Howard Zinn, Chapter 18 "The Impossible Victory: Vietnam".

This homework will count as another 50 point quiz grade so please thoughtfully and thoroughly answer these questions. Be ready to discuss this reading in class on Monday, March 16th! It will be an interesting discussion.

1. Summarize the United States relationship with Diem?
2. Explain the impact of the Geneva Accords on the United States involvement in Vietnam?
3. What were the circumstances that led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? Was the U.S. destroyer Maddox “attacked”?
4. Explain what was meant by “free fire zones”.
5. How was the My Lai massacre “unique only in its details’?
6. Why was 1968 a significant year for the war?
7. What was the connection between the civil rights movement and the anti war movement?
8. Explain Daniel Ellsberg’s role in the anti war movement.
9. Identify the Port Huron statement and its significance in the anti war movment.
10. According to Zinn, was the protest movement only isolated to middle-class intellectuals? What evidence does he use to support this claim?
11. Explain the significance of Ron Kovic’s story as a Vietnam war veteran.
12. Why does Zinn believe that the Vietnam war gives clear evidence that “the political leaders were the last to take steps to end the war” and “the people were far ahead”. Discuss the evidence that he uses including the Pentagon Papers and Nixon’s memoirs.
13. Write down TWO more discussion questions based on this reading for class discussion on Monday.

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