Sunday, March 29, 2009

Some Information about the AP U.S. Exam

—Political History - 35%
—Social, Cultural History - 40%
—Diplomatic History - 15%
—Economic History - 10%

20% - Colonial to 1789
45% - 1790 to 1914
35% - 1915 to present

80 multiple choice questions
90 possible points possible

DBQ plus 2 FRQ essays
DBQ: 9 X 4.5=40.5 possible points
FRQ: 9 X 2.75 = 24.75 possible points
FRQ: 9 X 2.75 = 24.75 possible points

AP Exam Generic Rubric

8-9 1. Strong Thesis clearly developed, well organized; analytical and focused on the question
2. Substantial & relevant use of outside information (abstract and/or concrete); chronologically coherent, at least 5 pieces of evidence
3. May have insignificant errors
4. Discusses both sides of the question, showing an understanding of the complexities of the issue(s)
5. Clearly organized and well written
6. Explains or negates data that detracts from the thesis
7. Sophisticated use of a substantial number of documents
6-7 1. Consistent, clear, well-developed thesis; clearly organized and written
2. More limited but relevant use of outside information (abstract and/or concrete)
3. May have minor errors
4. Discusses both sides of the question, shows an understanding of the complexities of the issue(s)
5. Has limited analysis
6. Effective use of several documents
4-5 1. Partially developed valid thesis, acceptable organization and writing. May discuss only one side of the question and/or be vague
3. Some relevant outside information
4. May contain errors, usually not major
5. Little or no analysis
6. Uses some documents
2-3 1. Limited, confused & poorly developed thesis, weak organization & writing
2. Shows limited understanding of the question
3. Little outside information, or irrelevant, inaccurate information
4. contains major errors
5. Misinterprets, briefly cites or quotes documents
0-1 1. No thesis, poorly organized & written
2. inadequate, or inaccurate understanding of the question
3. inappropriate or no outside information
4. Numerous errors, both major and minor
5. poor, confused or no use of documents

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