Friday, September 11, 2009


Homework Sheet 1
AP U.S. 1
Ms. Rosenberg
Homework Sheet 1

HW #1 Zinn Reading/Columbus
1. Write down the five most important things that Zinn says about Columbus and the two most important things about writing history (include pages #s)
2. Compare Columbus' log entries with Las Casas' entries.
3. If communities share common interests, did Columbus and Las Casas belong to the same community? If so, what are their common interests? What were the reasons for Columbus travels to the Caribbean? Las Casas? If not, what interests separated them into different communities? Did Las Casas have more in common with the Arawaks than he did with Columbus?

HW # 2 Read and outline pp 20-24. Study the map on p. 24
1. What were Columbus' main motivations in setting out on a western route to Asia?
2. How was he similar/different to the other Europeans in these motivations.

HW # 3 Read pages 24-29. Read and outline pp. 29-32.
1. How did Spain begin to conquer the New World?
2. How did English colonizers differ from the Spanish?

CHAPTER 2: Europeans Colonize North America
HW # 4 Read and outline pp. 35-41.
1. How were the efforts of the French, the Dutch, and the Jesuits to build settlements in North America similar and different?
2. What role did sugar play in the world economy?

HW # 5 Read and outline pp. 41-47.
1. How did economic and social change in England lead to the migration of people to North America?
2. How did the English belief of their culture cause conflict with native populations?

HW # 6 Read and outline pp. 47-51.
1. What was life like for the settlers in Maryland and Virginia?
2. Why were indentured servants necessary?

HW # 7 Read and outline pp. 51-57
1. How was the Massachusetts colony founded?
2. Why did the Puritans glorify work?

HW # 8 Read and outline pp. 57-60.
1. What was life like in New England?
2. How did the desire for religious freedom lead to the founding of new colonies?

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