Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework Sheet for Chapters 3-5

Homework Sheet 2 - Chapters 3-5
Chapter 3
#9 Read and outline pp 63-70
1. How were colonies established in NY, NJ, SC, NC and Pennsylvania?
2. In which colony would you have liked to be a settler?

#10 Read and outline pp 70-76
1. How did slavery develop in the colonies?

#11 Read Zinn's Chapter 2
1. Why did Virginians massacre the Indians instead of enslaving them?
2. Why were Africans vulnerable to enslavement?
3. How do we know that slaves resisted their enslavement?
4. Zinn argues that racism is not natural. Does he mean that it is caused by human decision or by "historical forces"? What is an "historical force"? Do such forces compel humans to make decisions they would otherwise not have made?

#12 Read and outline pp 76-82
1. How did the Indian slave trade differ from the African slave trade?
2. How were King Philip's War and Bacon's Rebellion related?

#13 Read and outline pp 82-90
1. How did mercentalism benefit England and the colonies?
2. How were Puritan religious practices changing?
3. Why did the Salem witch craze occur?

#14 Study the map on p. 84. Recreate the map depicting the exchange of valuable commodities.

#15 In two paragraphs explain why the witch hysteria occurred in Salem in particular.

Chapter 4
#16 Read and outline pp 93-105
1. Describe the population growth and the ethnic diversity of 18th century colonial America.
2. How with the 18th century economy characterized?

#17 Read and outline pp 111-115
1. What was the cultural climate of colonial 18th century America?

#18 Read and outline pp 115-120
1. How did politics and religion contribute to both stability and crisis in the mid-century?

Chapter 5
# 19 Read and outline pp 123-130
1. Why did the Iroquois adhere to a policy of neutrality?
2. How did the colonists respond to the French threat to their (the colonists) western frontier?

#20 Read and outline pp 130-134
1. Why was 1763 considered a turning point?

#21 Read and outline pp 134-139
1. What did the Stamp Act crisis reveal about the British-American relations?

#22 Read and outline pp 139-142
1. How did the colonists resist the Townshend Acts?

#23 Read and outline pp 142-148
1. Describe the growing rifts between Britain and the American subjects.

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